Friday, December 1, 2006

Chiu Number 2

Hi everybody,
first real post...

im usually up later than most people, either because of homework, procrastination, a combination of both or... just because :P

Recently i came across a verse that i felt was written for me. It was:
"In the night I remember your name, O Lord, and I will keep your law." Psalm 119:55
Of course being so well organized and, knowing how to manage my time perfectly (lol) i was reading this at 11:30-ish right before i was going to call it a night. I decided reading one more section won't hurt so i read a few more verses and sure enough, here comes another one as if the author thought I didn't get it the first time.
"At midnight I rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws" Psalm 119:62
I really liked this one. Not too many people are up at midnight on a regular day, praising God for his righteous laws.

If you are familiar with Psalms 119, or really Psalms in general, a lot of it is devoted to giving God thanks for all he has done. Psalms 119 repeatedly praises God for his precepts, which would be principles or laws, His laws and everything else he has made possible. These include knowledge and wisdom. Another verse is Psalm 119:72, which says, "The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold."

Anyway, what i think whoever the author, possibly David, or Zayin, or Heth (the lilttle names above the passages) was trying to get at was that going to sleep does not omit us from praising God and his laws. If the law of God is worth more than millions of dollars, and people are willing to spend their whole day camping out for the next big game system (which is worth a fraction of that), don't u think we could spend a little more time thinking about the righteousness of God and all he has done for us considering what He has blessed us with?

i guess these things take longer to write than i had thought...

"I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight" Psalms 119:174

Goodnight... Praise the Lord :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Chewy Gets A Blog!

I got a blog...and my name is Chewy. Come back to see more amazing action from Curtis Chiu (paraphased by Curren)